Petro Deluxe

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Vabimo vas, da nas kontaktirate za brezplačni posvet, kjer vam bomo z veseljem odgovorili na vsa morebitna vprašanja in pomisleke.

    Želite prodati ali oddati vašo nepremičnino?

    Niste prepričani kakšno ceno postaviti? Vas skrbijo nezanesljivi kupci? Niste prepričani kako se zavarovati pri oddaji nepremičnine? Niste prepričani, če lahko zaupate najemniku?

    Potem smo pravi naslov za vas, z leti izkušenj na področju nepremičnin v Evropi in tujini vam z veseljem pomagamo in odgovorimo na vse vaše pomisleke in vprašanja.

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    Google reviews

    Na podlagi 29 ocen
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    Marko Kožman
    13:11 09 Jan 25
    I have had an extremely positive experience with Jan and the team at Petro Deluxe! I invested in real estate in Dubai, and from the very beginning everything was done at the highest level. Jan showed exceptional professionalism, knowledge and commitment, which instilled confidence in me throughout the entire process.I was impressed by their individual approach - they were always available, ready to answer all questions and take care of all the details. The entire process was smooth and stress-free, which is a rarity in the real estate world.I would like to thank Jan and Petro Deluxe for their excellent service and highly recommend their agency to anyone considering an investment in Dubai. Professionalism, reliability and a great experience are guaranteed!LP Kožman
    Laste Naumovski
    09:15 04 Dec 24
    Everything is as it should be. We recommend it.
    Tea Es
    12:00 15 Oct 24
    Janja Ribič
    19:46 26 Aug 24
    Jan is an extremely friendly and communicative guy, as he answers all questions regarding the purchase of an apartment. He also gives professional advice and helps from the beginning to the end of the purchase.
    admir balic
    16:47 01 Aug 24
    When buying an apartment, we were lucky that the broker was PETRO DELUX... an agency... All praise for Petro Delux and its employees. ..I recommend for every purchase or sale... Thank you again, good luck and success.. Lp Admir
    ebrahim zamani
    12:09 22 Apr 24
    I absolutely recommend this agency! They provided very nice service in Dubai.
    Aiah Torrecarion
    06:28 11 Apr 24
    Jan successfully lead me to buying a property in Dubai Motor City by Sobha. The process was done smoothly and professionally.
    Giviko Charkhalashvili
    11:45 28 Nov 23
    "Five-star service from this real estate agency! Their expertise, guidance, and personalized approach exceeded all expectations. They listened attentively to my needs and delivered exceptional options, making the buying process a breeze. Highly recommended for their excellence!"
    giorgi chkhaidze
    10:31 28 Nov 23
    This real estate agency sets the bar high! Their professionalism, market expertise, and unwavering support throughout the buying process were remarkable. They truly prioritize their clients' needs, resulting in a flawless experience. Highly recommended without hesitation!
    Shota Bekaia
    09:12 28 Nov 23
    Highly recommend this real estate agency for their exceptional service! The team's expertise and dedication shine through in every interaction. Their attention to detail and commitment to finding the perfect property exceeded my expectations. A five-star experience!

    Zakaj mi?

    Pri Petro Deluxe verjamemo v oseben pristop k strankam, saj razumemo, da je nakup ali prodaja nepremičnine velik korak. Z nami boste imeli na svoji strani partnerja, ki vam bo nudil podporo in vodstvo v celotnem postopku.

    Z nami na vaši strani zgradimo prihodnost. Petro Deluxe – vaš partner za nepremičnine v Sloveniji in Dubaju.

    Z vami od samega začetka.

    Večletne izkušnje
    Večletne izkušnje

    Zagotavljamo vam vrhunsko svetovanje pri nakupu, prodaji in oddaji nepremičnin.

    Pravno in tržno svetovanje
    Pravno in tržno svetovanje

    Nudimo svetovanje, ki vam omogoča varno in informirano odločanje na nepremičninskem trgu.

    Oseben pristop
    Oseben pristop

    Zagotovimo vam popolno izkušnjo pri iskanju, prodaji ali oddaji nepremičnine.

    Uspešno ste poslali povpraševanje.

    Pri pošiljanju je prišlo do napake

    Z oddajo povpraševanja se strinjam s pogoji zasebnosti in dovoljujem obdelavo podatkov za namene povpraševanja.